Friday, February 27, 2015

Today we are still working on our "monkey game" which apparently easy. I have two tests by today, I am a little nervous, I suppose, because one of them is Algebra 2. I have been doing well so far but I'm still a little scared, mostly because I do not study. Its ok because that also means no homework, except a little reading assignment from English. This also means I can sleep through 75 % of my weekend, the other 15% eating and other random things, so I guess its really a good thing, even though I tests.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

I usually write about what I have to do for this specific period but I don't  think that will work today. First period was not bad, we have to do an essay but I'm already finished. I have two tests tomorrow but I'm not too worried because I'm confident I pass it. I tend not to study because it sometimes stresses me out and I just end up taking naps anyways. I guess I still need to work on my blogging skills, wish me luck.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Today, we have substitute but we still have to work on our Racing game ver. 2. It is apparently due today but I am getting almost all of it done anyways. I just hope I did it right then I am good.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Today we are continuing our project that we started yesterday. I am pretty much doing a more complicated, but not really, version of our  racing game. The only thing different about it than last time is that it's longer and has turns. I think I can finish on time , Maybe...........

Monday, February 23, 2015

   Today is a  new project day.. maybe. It's Monday so the class will just be really short anyways. we might be doing our own racing game because the last one was guided practice. If it isn't a racing game it will be similar or something to do with the sensing blocks

Friday, February 20, 2015

We started our racing game yesterday, which is mainly focused on the sensing block. We have to have 3 sprites move towards the finish line at random each time. Today will be a continuation of this because , even though it is simple we were not able to work on it due to slow internet. this project will most likely be done today.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Today is a  new project day I think, and this time I think its real. We should have done a new project by Tuesday but people, like me still had to work on the trivia game. I still haven't finished, actually I am just really confused. I might actually have to it at home, which really isn't ideal but its ok.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Today.. we are supposed to start a new project like yesterday but we might actually work on it today.  I still have a long way to go because I only have one question. I'll try to finish maybe at home but it's ok.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

  We are supposed to start a new project today but the teacher isn't here so we have more time to work on our own project. I really need this time because I haven't finished . I'm still not sure of what kind of game it will be but I hope I can figure it out.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday the 13th. we still are working on our trivia game, which is not easy because we have to come up with our own questions. I'm still not entirely sure of what mine needs to be, I think maybe math because it may be a little easier.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

 Today we are still working on our own game. This game is a trivia game, the codes are apparently similar. We are supposed to create are own category and, own questions. I can follow instructions but I am not so great with creativity, I just hope I can think of something before it's due

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

  Today we are still working on the guessing game, I think, maybe. I am done with everything so far, but I know that there is still something that needs to be done, which is the  option to try again. We may or may not be starting the individual work today. I think it depends on whether we still have time after we finish.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Today is Monday, duh , it's not extremely bad but it could be better. we are still working on the guessing game. I think I am pretty caught up but I am a bit behind because it's not working the way it should... yet

Friday, February 6, 2015

Finally, Friday... we are still working on the new exercise that we were working on yesterday. It is a guided practice so, it probably wont be too hard, I just need to follow. I don't even care that much anymore anyways because it is Friday. Actually I am to lazy to do anything today but I hope I can still keep up.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

    Today, it's almost Friday but we do still have to work. We are done finishing the other projects and now we are doing something new. It will probably be more complicated but I  hope I can figure it out.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

today we half the period to finalize the game. I need this time to be able to work on other work from other class

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

It's barely Tuesday, but it is a free day( at least for me). We are supposed to keep working on finishing our projects but I'm already done. I would continue to work on my project but I am a bit lazy today cause its only Tuesday .

Monday, February 2, 2015

 Today is the checking of the blogs to see if we were all doing what we were supposed to do. I am done with all my projects . I am not entirely sure if there is really anything to work on today, but I know that I am caught up on all of the work anyways. The main thing to be done today is updating the blogs so the teacher can check it on there. If that is all that we are doing today, I will probably just have free time, but There are some people who need the time