Friday, March 27, 2015

today is finally Friday. It is the last day then we get a week and a day off. We still have to work on our scratch. I am somewhat tired but I don't really care anymore being that I will get a week off anyways.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

today we have sub for the class but we still have to work on our scratch and blog. I am a bit stressed for my algebra 2 test. I' m  also a little bit out of today because it's almost weekend and I'm over all lazy.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

 Today we are still working on pen block. Today started quite boring but I hope it gets  much much better.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

today we are continuing our new lesson that we started yesterday which is about the pen block. It is actually quite interesting because you  can use it to create some pretty cool stuff. I still want it to be spring break already but  I suppose its best to just try to enjoy the week while I wait.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Next week is going to be spring break and I just want this day to be over. I'm a bit upset today because my grades are slipping and I am pretty sure my grade for this class will go down as well. i  really need to stop slacking and I just need to be more active. hope i turn it around from here

Thursday, March 19, 2015

today.. we are still on our game, I hope we still get more time. I think that I am doing ok with it but I do need time to figure out the code to make my sprite jump and down. I hope to be able to get it by today because I want to get a good grade because m control game sucked and I need to bring my grade up.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

today.. I still need to figure out what is wrong with my code for my game. I am a bit stressed out about it because I cant figure it out. I feel tired and bored because I woke up late and I was bored kind of bored in my English class, and now I'm just tired.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

today I still have to continue my final game. Its also a good start because we did not do anything for first period and we had no homework. For algebra the people are taking th CAHSEE exam which means that we will only do practice and for bio we probably wont have hw.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Today... I am actually really tired. I haven't been able to sleep because of the heat and it was to do any work during the week end. My final game has not been done so it isn't linked yet. I still have long way to go so I just want to be finish it as soon as possible.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Today Mr. Madali is not here due to the robotics competition. We just have to come up and finish a new project that includes gravity/velocity game.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hello today we are still working on the gravity/velocity project and I think that we will, most likely be finishing it by this week. Mr. Madali would not be here for 2 days so I assume that we will either work on the project till Friday or we will finish it today and we start a new project.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Today we are still working on our gravity/velocity thing for scratch. This is a bit more complicated than the others because it takes more understanding than just copying to be able to use it in other projects. This week is pretty "lax" Because I have no big test or projects and in English, I don't get hw. I hope as the week progresses it will remain calm.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Today we will start a new project on scratch. I hope that I can be able to follow and finish it on time. For the week I just want to be on task all the time and try not to get distracted. I do not know what's going on for my other classes but For my first period we will be taking a periodic assessment that will take the entire week. I hope to be able catch up on all of the stuff I have to do

Friday, March 6, 2015

I still need time to finish my individual Project game, which is barely half way done. It's also a shortened day so, that makes it better, I guess. In my previous we spent time in the library to learn about plagiarism and how not to do it. They explained how much trouble you can get if you are caught.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Today, I will try to finish my Maze game. Today is also open house, It's ok because my mom isn't going. I was gone yesterday but apparently I really did not miss much which is good. I really like the book we are reading in English class, Blindness by Jose Saramago , I think it's really good and people should read it

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

 Today we are going to do our own individual game. This also means that I need to actually come up with something, which is going to be horrible. Tomorrow we are going to a field trip which means I actually won't be here, that's good news. It is going to be boring but I just really do not want to be here tomorrow.

Monday, March 2, 2015

        Today is the last time to be able to work ( on class ) for the monkey game which isn't done yet. For this week I want to be able to start and finish my individual game. I wanted to get my test scores back today but for my math test someone was absent so we can't get it back until that person as taken it. I also hope that for my bio test, my teacher would give us extra time because many of us were not able to complete everything. My only real goal for this week is to do everything( homework) without procrastinating or not last minute.