HTML Basic Structure

   HTML is what is used to create a great variety of websites. It gives you the power and control every aspect of your website once you know how to use it.

   * you can use Notepad or Textpad in making HTML.
             1. The very first thing is the HTML tags. Tags usually come in pairs, in the beginning (< >)  and  the end ( </ >) * The slash in the end tag goes before the name*.
  •  The first tag is the html tag < html >
  •  Then the head ... ... goes right after the html tag.< head >
  •  Then the title of the document which goes inside the head... < title >
  •  There is now the body where every thing goes ,  < body >
                             Example: < html >
                                                 < head >
                                                       < title > ... < /title >
                                                 < /head >
                                                 < body >
                                                < /body >
                                             < /html > ....



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