Challenge 8 (line counting)

   This also used variable but in way we haven't used them before. It was literally having the robot just count the lines as it goes through the black lines. It seems simple, and it is but it still confused me like always. Like the last challenge we started with just having instructions and trying to come up with our own code and Mr. Madali showed it to us little by little but the more time goes by the lower the grade. I did start that way and as he was showing it to us i was able to get some of the code right its just that i was putting them in the wrong order and I was missing some of it as well. I should have been able to finish on the due date to get the higher grade but I ran out of time and i needed to move one line on the top and i was able to do so the next day, except by then my grade isn't as good as if i finished the day before. Overall it was good because this time I actually understood what to do and how to apply them which means that I might actually be able to do thing right, Atleast i hope so.

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