HTML Paragraphs


      This is the content of the website. It goes under the body, the tag is  < p >. Before the paragraph is the heading < h1 >, < h2 > ....  the larger the number the smaller. To center the heading or anything use the center tag < center >. You can also control the font, size and color. <  font color = white size = 4 face = " Bradley Hand ITC" > ( * for more specific colors you can also use hex code colors *). To make space after each paragraph use < br  >. Finally to move the paragraph to the center use  < blockquote >

                  Example:   < html >
                                    < head &gt     ;
                                    < title > Paragraphs < /title >
                                    < /head >       
                                    < body >      
                                    < center >  
                                    < h1 >   heading   < /h1 &gt       ;
                                    < /center >
                                    < blockquote > < blockquote >< blockquote >
                                    < font color = white size = 4 face = " Bradley Hand ITC " >
                                    < p >
                                    < /p >    
                                    < p >    
                                    < /p >
                                    < /body >           
                                    < /html >          


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