HTML Lists and Links

Lists and Links
      In a website creating lists are a useful thing to know without tables. To create lists the tag is < ul> and in each thing on the list it should have < li >. The links are to connect an entire website together. In making a link the tag is < a href=""> link text < /a >, the url of where you want to go goes in the quotation marks.
                 Example: < html>
                                 < head>

                                 < title> Learning About Links < /title>
                                  < /head>
                                 < body>

                                  < h1> Learning About Links < /h1>
                                   < ul>
                 < li>< a href = "Links.html">HOME< /a> < /li>
                  < li>< a href = "Aboutme.html">About Me< /a>

                < li>< a href = "WEBCOLOR.html">My Web Color< /a&gt
               < li>< a href = "">My school< /a>
                < li>< a href = " konlang.gif">Photo of Me< /a>
              < /ul>
                               < /body>
                                 < /html>

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